GolfForever is a digital golf fitness and wellness system created by PGA Tour doctors and trainers to give all golfers the same world-class workout and recovery programs as the best players in the world. It’s the safest, most direct route to gain fluidity and speed in your swing, increase your energy on the course, and play the best golf of your life.
In the video demontstrating good posture Nicole is trying to get a good bend (hinge) at the hips while keeper her back flat and the knees unlocked. The bar should should remain parallel to her spine. Most people have difficulty with this due to a weak core. By tilting the bar and holding that position, the resistance band is making her work to maintain that position and to do that she will need to activate her core. Most notably her abdominal muscles.
In the demonstration practicing the backswing pivot Nicole is working on making a proper turn with her core and keeping good width or space between hands and sternum to create a powerful backswing. Most people will just swing back with arms and not use their core. what the bar and resistance band are doing is forcing her to engage her core and the position of the bar is representing having a club in her hands which helps train left arm to stretch on the way back maintaining the width she wants for added power.
Full Swing
In the full swing pivot video demonstration. Nicole is showing how the swing trainer can help train a proper downswing and trnsition of weight from her trailside. to her lead side. The resistance cord is forcing her to stay in her posture while she makes rotation. What you will notice as Nicole finishes her swing facing the camera that she has maitained her side bend at the waist and the resistance cord is making her work to get into that position. Great for strenth training and balance.
With the final exercise Nicole is demonstrating a power move that is improving speed, mobility and weight transfer. The resistance cord making her put alot of effort into this drill to get the bar and her arms extended. As you can see she has fully turned her hips and forced to engage her lower body to get into proper impact position. The impact drill brings everything together in one exercise. Posture, Pivot, speed power and mobility.
Build strength and speed in diagonal, rotational patterns that apply to your golf swing.
Anchor light or medium resistance bands and follow step-by-step coaching in the GolfForever app.
Game Improvement
These Exercises are designed to assist in getting your body prepared for the swing you want. The Golf Forever Program is the ultimate at-home golf training tool to unlock mobility, balance and power in your swing. Used by over 400 touring pros. It's time to TAKE YOUR GAME NEXT LEVEL!!!!